Fact, or fiction? Which of these study courses actually exists, ‘applied leisure studies’ or ‘crystallography’?

Believe it, or not, but both ‘applied leisure studies’ and ‘crystallography’ are real study subjects you can major in.

Applied leisure studies is a study course established at the University of Bremen in Germany. Students interested in studying this international study programme can apply at the University of Bremen, and in just seven semesters obtain their bachelor’s degree. During the first two semesters the programme includes basic social, business, environmental and legal courses.

Additionally foreign language and IT courses are offered. In the second year of studies (semester 3 and 4) students specialise in specific leisure and tourism subjects including a strong practical element (project work in the Learner’s Company). More information on the course curriculum can be found on the university’s website.

Crystallography is the experimental science of determining the arrangement of atoms in crystalline solids. Students interested in obtaining a degree in crystallography can expect to learn the specialties in the setup of crystalline matter, the influence of atomic, microscopic, and macroscopic disturbances/defects in the periodic crystal structure, and especially the different techniques to grow crystals of various materials. Students learn how to grow crystals or specific experiments are made. Crystallography can be studied at universities, like the University of Freiburg in Germany. More information on the course curriculum can be found on the university’s website.

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