A serious loss for Hungary’s higher education system: Central European University (CEU) announces it will relocate

On Tuesday, 04. December 2018 the Central European University (CEU) announced that it will move its US accredited programmes in Budapest and relocate to Vienna in September 2019. The announcement comes after much discussion and criticism over the Hungarian government’s refusal to ratify an agreement that would have allowed CEU to stay in its current location of Budapest. The April 2017 law on foreign branch campuses was widely criticised as a deliberate attack by the Hungarian government on CEU.

With the move to Austria, Hungary will lose its strongest university – according to U-Multirank results: Central European University demonstrates a strong profile, not only in Hungary, but worldwide with 12 top performance scores in U-Multirank – the highest number of top scores for any higher education institution in Hungary. U-Multirank’s 2018 results show that CEU outperforms all other Hungarian universities covered, being ranked excellent in areas of Teaching & Learning, Research, International Orientation and Knowledge Transfer. In particular CEU performs strongest in research and international orientation. Five universities remain in U-Multirank’s 2018 overall top performance list for Hungary, achieving ‘excellent’ scores on four to six performance areas respectively.  Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) now rises to the top with six top scores in Knowledge Transfer and Regional Engagement.

Hungarian universities with the highest number of overall top scores in 2018

Total top scores 2018

Total top scores 2017

Central European University



Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)

  6 ↑


Semmelweis University



Eötvös Loránd University

  4 ↑


University of Pécs

  4 ↑


University of Szeged (USz)



U-Multirank | Hungarian universities with the highest number of overall top scores (2018 results)


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